Football Highlight is a fast growing website updated daily with new videos from the most important competitions. As of February 2009 counts more than 5,800 matches from 170+ competitions.
Advertising here is a great opportunity for your business/site to reach a wide range of users interested in football.
Some numbers? More than 150 000 unique visits and 350 000 pageviews per month (April 2009: 153,072 visits / 372,663 pageviews).
Ad Spaces
Available spaces:
- Top (728×90): located in header, right of the logo.
- In Content (336×280): the most visible ad placement,
- Middle Content (468×60): near the main content,
- Skyscraper (160×600 or 120×600): right of the main content.
- Sidebar (125×125): in the right sidebar
Please read the following notes before placing an order
- You can order online or filling the form below
- Ads are sold on CPM (cost for thousand). Rates refers to the cost for 1000 impressions on your banner
- Minimum order of 10.000 impressions
- We don’t accept ads related to drugs, porn, medicines, weapons, hate, violence. Betting sites can be accepted case by case, only in some ad spaces and at particular rates. Contact us for details.
Contact us
Compile the following form if you need further information or want to place an order:
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